Day 8. Invershin Castle to Gravel Pit
Date: Tue 14th July
Distance: 26.4 Km (16.4 Miles)
Total distance covered: 216.4 Km (134.5 Miles)
Distance to go: 1411.9 Km (877.3 Miles)
Day 8 Report
Left Invershin and am heading in the direction of Dingwall, but will wild camp somewhere on the way. You would not believe the flies - as bad as Australia, including clegs (horse flies). I have my trousers tucked into my socks, plus over trousers. I also have an articial head band of midge bites, just below the brow of my hat. Still itching!
I passed the Falls of Shin (waterfall), just south of Achinduich. There is an alternative hill route, but I am sticking to the flat.
I wild camped at a gravel pit - felt more comfortable that a caravan was there too (Danny and his wife). A beautiful spot by a river, marred by rather a lot of litter. Have got a blister on my left foot, just under my toes. I should have stopped to dry my feet off on the way. You only have one chance to get into the tent once pitched to avoid the midges, so I didn't get out again to cook. Mind you, no food means no reflux, so am sleeping quite well!
A photo of Bonar bridge

Good on you Richard. You're an inspiration to the rest of us Wednesday Loafers! I've made a donation of $NZ100 directly to the Malaghan Institute here in New Zealand so please factor that into your total calculations (39 pounds 52 on today's exchange rate). Keep walking! Cheers,