Today’s distance: 26 km (16.2 miles)
Total distance: 1145 km (712 miles)
Distance to go: 483 (300 miles)
I got up at 6:15 and had a breakfast of cashew nuts and a bar of dark chocolate. I was on the road by 7:45. I used the camper's short cut to the site discovered by D&S. I then followed the canal to Kidderminster where I found a McDonalds that was open and had a 1000 calorie breakfast to set me up for the day, a 'big breakfast' followed by pancakes.
Then I followed the canal through to Stourport where I joined the Severn River Trail. I crossed the Severn at Holt Fleet to go to the pub, but discovered the 'River Side Cafe' run by Ann and Paul Hardborne. Paul was very interested when he found out what I was doing and it was clear from his questions that he quickly understood the problems involved in making such a walk. When he knew what I was doing he returned the money l had given him for the tea and gave me a couple of muesli bars and two penguins. I've made a donation to the charity in their name. It was a very pleasant interlude in an otherwise quiet day. I think Paul may have a word with his brother, a walker, about doing LEJOG.
On the run into Hawford, on the Severn Way, I found the most dangerous stile yet for me or for any other male with an inside leg measurement of 32." I was JUST able to lift my leg over it and place my foot on the step on the other side. However on taking my weight, the step dropped a couple of inches and so did l. I leave the rest to your imagination. Those within 10 km radius may have heard a few new choice words. I think this type of stile should be named after the ballet suite by Tchaikovsky.

For the last mile I had to leave the Severn Trail and follow the A449. I am now at a quiet site at Hawford.
last week I had left one of my phones outside the pub at Biggin. My phone was found by Mark Sharp, and he drove 20 miles out of his way to deliver it to the campsite at Cannock Chase. Very many thanks Mark.
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